Blog number 2

Hi and welcome back.
Wow! What an amazing month May was. I was totally blown away.
It was the first time I had taken my paintings out to show the public and I couldn’t be happier. I loved it. It was so much fun and so wonderful hearing and seeing the public reaction to my work.

This is my show stand at Belper Arts Trail, but this is so much more to me.
This is me getting my creative life back, re-connecting with nature and my authentic, creative self.
This was a goal for 2022 so, I am absolutely delighted to be able post this picture here.
As well as painting, I’ve been working on mindset, mindfulness, meditation, personal and creative growth. At the beginning of the year this was still just a dream.
I would like to say a massive ‘thank-you’ to everyone who helped me get the show ready.
To Dave, who helped me design my stand and helped me set up and take it down again.
If any of you follow me on my Instagram, you will have seen the images.
Thank you to the organisers, the volunteers and hosts, who give up their time, talents, venues and work so tirelessly to arrange and host these events and of course the wonderful public who make it all worthwhile.
Collectively, they help to support local artists and their local communities.
Thank you to all the beautiful souls who connected with me and brought my work over the two bank holiday weekends, it means so much and of course means I can buy more paint and canvas. :) Also thank you for all the wonderful compliments and to those who took the time to leave comments in my little comments book. I will treasure them and will eventually get round to the email list I promised J
Happy to say I will be showing my work at Buxton Arts Trail at the United Reform Church 23-24th Jully and I’m super excited to be part of this event.
I will let you know how it went.